Saturday, February 7, 2009

sCiEnCe ClAsS

This week we learned about meiosis. Meiosis is sexual reproduction. It is where sex cells are made. The chromosomes go through DNA replication and then split into two new cells. They are now haploid cells because they have 50% of the DNA. It started out with diploid, when it had 100% of the cells. After the chromosomes split, they split again into four sperm cells. We also learned about homologous pairs. These are two of the same pairs of chromatids. In meiosis, the chromosomes have to switch parts of theselves do replicate. Unlike mitosis, the chromosomes are lined up on either side of a plate in the cell. Then they are pulled apart by the spindle fibers.
Another difference between mitosis and miosis is that meiosis has double the stages. For example, there is a prophase1 and prophase2. This is because they make two cells and then they make four. When they replicate for the first time, it is the first stage. The second replication is the second stage.

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