Friday, January 30, 2009

This weeko in sciencio

This week in science on Monday, we went over the mitosis worksheet. We learned each phase of mitosis. (Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase, cytokinesis, and interphase). We learned what each phase was and how they were related. This is important because all of them together show how cells divide. On this week we learned alot about chromosomes.

Chromatin-unwound DNA
Chromatid-wound up DNA
Sister Chromotids-two connected chromotids
Centromere-Thing that connects sister chromosomes
Sister Chromotids that are connected by centromere make a chromosome
centrosomes are centrioles after they are split apart
We also learned that a karyotype is a picture of all your chromosomes
The two chromotids are called the mother and father chromotids

All of these terms help us understand mitosis better

We also made a concept map of mitosis terms. That helped us relate each term.

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