Friday, April 24, 2009

The Cockroaches Week/ Scientific Experiments

This week when we did our cockroach experiment. I learned that scientific experiments can always change. I thought that I had a great procedure, but then my group decided to change some things. The cockroaches can also change your experiment if they do something unexpected.
I also learned that a small thing can change a lot. For example. If you put one of the cockaroaches in a box, and it crawls out everytime, then you would have to add that to your conclusion. You might also change your bug and start over again.

The Cockroaches Week

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


What does camp have to do with science? Well I can tell you some reasons.

First of, we learned about different types of waters. There are lotic waters and lintic waters. Lotic water means that the water moves like a lake. Lintic water means that the water stays still, like a lake. We found differnt oragnisms in the water too. If you catch organisms in the lotic water, you can't put them into the lintic water, because that is not their normal habitat.

The rock wall only had one thing that I know is science related. This is the pulleys on the top of the tower. When you pull on one side of the rope the other side goes up. The person climbing would be the weight. The pulley is a mechanical advantage.

On the nature walk we learned about the different rocks. Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are layered. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been aged. They have no layers. Igneous rocks are rocks that came from volcanoes. They have little holes in them. There was a big field of rocks there. They came here being pushed by glaciers.

Also on the nature walk, we learned about mas and fungi. Mas eats the food from the liken. Liken gather minerals. The get food from the Mas. Fungi get food from dead things. It is a decomposer.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Observations and Cockaroaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

monday- worked on project

tuesday-worked on project

On wednesday, we reviewed what an observation is. Below are examples of observations:

-What you see, hear, smell, feel, but not taste
-Notes, descriptions, words, and numbers(quantitative and qualitative)
-Emotion/behavior of what you are observing
-Patterns, changes, trends in order to draw conclusions later on
-To answer a question-come up with more questions
-Opinion-not frequently
-Drawing-by hand or taken by camera
-Macroscopic and Microscopic.

On wedenesday we also observered cockaroaches
They have six legs, they are fast, they run fast when touched, they have spikes on their butt, they stay still when they are covered by something, they have a hard exoskeleton but a softer chest, they can hang upside down, and have little pinchers on their mouth.

On thursday we had a test

On friday we observed the cockaroaches again